Technical services website design with 5 menus and 7 pages – professional web design template. Ideal for: technical services websites, MEP company websites, or Air-conditioning maintenance company websites, etc.

Any other similar industries can also buy this website design.

Click the ‘Live Preview’ button above and view how will your website layout look like at the end of the project. Read ‘FAQ’ to understand more about the web design service. See how the website demo got customized for one of our clients: ,

We will set up your pre-built website on your domain replacing the demo content and images with yours. The colour scheme and font type can be changed to match your brand. The layout design/structure remains the same. If you provide us with your own images and texts, we will use them to replace the existing website content. Choose the apt website content-making option on the right.

You need to send your logo, domain login credentials (if you already have a domain), available images, and texts/brochures (if you have one) within the next 3 to 4 hours after placing the order as a reply to the order confirmation email. If you have not got a logo yet, order our logo design service.

You will get 3 revisions/review times before the site launch and we will finish the website within the project duration you choose.


  • 7 Pages Information Website with 5 menus as seen in the live preview.
  • 3 Sliding banners with texts using Slider Revolution
  • Main Menu up to 5 (As per your choice), Ex: Home/About/Services/Projects/Contact, etc.
  • 12 months of free website hosting
  • Lifetime Free SSL Certificate (if the web hosting is from us)
  • 6 months of free website maintenance and content updates
  • Free stock images (whatever available with us)
  • Dynamic & mobile responsive site
  • WhatsApp Integration
  • Google Map Integration
  • Software – WordPress
  • Compatible Browsers – IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox
  • Layout – Mobile Responsive
  • Compatible with – Elementor
  • Editable website – No coding skills are required for editing

We will email you all the login credentials, domain, and WordPress website admin details on your request. Now you can update the website content and images yourself! If you need online training on WordPress website content management, you can book such services from our website and get special skills in editing the website contents without writing codes.

Website Design Include:

  • WordPress Premium Theme
  • Required Plugins
  • ON-Page Basic SEO (meta tag and meta description of your site – only)
  • Maxi. 3 website revisions as per your review within the project duration
  • 24/7 Online Support

Yearly Renewal Fees:

A renewal fee is applicable only if these services are availed from us. You will get an invoice at year-end for making online payments and manual renewal. You can cancel these services at any time.

  • Website hosting is FREE for the first year
  • 400 AED/Yr as web hosting fee from the second year
  • 80 AED for .com/.net domains or 180 AED for .ae domains as a yearly renewal fee from the second year

Note: You will receive a copy of this product information as a website contract at the end of the project. All website support is online only. We will not store any of your card details while making payment.

If you already have booked a domain, you can consider it as 'you have a domain'. If you still don't have got a domain, we will book an available domain related to your business name by choosing the paid add-on service in product options. We will send you a list of available domains to choose from before we book one.
You will get WordPress website hosting’s professional plan and normal domains like .com, .net, .co, .which are coming under booking price of 50 AED, or .ae domains coming under 150 AED. For other domain extensions, you need to check their availability with us before placing the order. High-priced premium domains will only be booked with additional payment.
It is the time required to make your customized website online from the time of placing the order and making the payment. On choosing paid add-on services, you can even get your website done within 24 hours!
In Generic Website Content Writing (FREE), we will make general content writing based on your business activity. Or you can provide your own content/images to replace the dummy text content if you think the generic content made by us is not the best fit. The content length shall be more or less the same as the existing one. If you want professional text content writing by our professionals & Engineers, select our paid add-on service 'Fresh, 100% Original & Unique Website Content with On-Page SEO' that will give your site a rocket jump in Google search results. Google loves unique and plagiarism-free text content and we ensure it by using premium plagiarism checking tools. In both cases, we will request basic information about your services or you can chare your brochure/leaflets/pre-qualification. 'On-page SEO' means Search Engine Optimization of the website, images, and codes to help the website index in Google. If you need Advanced SEO services, please contact us for separate package.
Yes, you have to send us a clear jpg/png/pdf file of your business logo through email. If you have not got one, order our logo design service as well.
After placing the order and making the payment, we will start processing your order. You need to send your logo, domain login credentials (if you have a domain), available images, and texts/brochures (if you have one) within the next 3 to 4 hours.
You will receive an order confirmation email in your inbox after placing an order. You may reply to the email and attach those files like images or pdf files.
All our processes are online and it reduces overhead, time frame, manpower, and web development expenses and so we can provide cheap website design in Dubai. We are an affordable web design company in UAE.
Yes. On your request, we can email you all the credentials of the hosting control panel (C-panel), domain login info, and your WordPress website admin details like username and password after setting up your website. Now you can update the website content and images! 100 % ownership guaranteed.
For the first 6 months from the website launch, we will take care of your website from any errors or attacks. We will take the site back to its original within 48 hours even if anything goes wrong. Monthly one-time content updates (text/image replacement) that do not exceed 30 minutes will be done freely during the maintenance period. . Maintenance/support requests shall be submitted through the ''Helpdesk' menu under 'About' in the top menu and will be attended in 48 hours.
Yes, we can set up the website on your hosting server as well after the purchase of a ready-made website. We need your web hosting cPanel to set up the website on your server. Your hosting space shall be a minimum 500 MB with a database creation facility.
We will provide basic SEO (meta tag and meta description of your site) for free. If you need advanced On-Page SEO, please choose our paid add-on service on each website package to get the best possible ranking in Google Search Results.
Yes, we will provide free support (Free website maintenance) for all of the web design projects during the free maintenance term specified with each website package. Our customer-friendly support team is available in Dubai to solve your query through the ''Helpdesk' menu under 'About' in the top menu and will be attended in 48 hours.
We have included the number of revisions applicable for each website design product/package on the relevant pages of the website product. The buyer has to finish the review ASAP, if not so it will affect delivery time. Client's review time available for Superfast delivery: 3 Hrs. Urgent delivery: 6 Hrs. Normal delivery: 8 Hrs.
You are welcome. You should be able to provide us with the login details of both. Also, your hosting should be compatible with dynamic website hosting with a minimum storage space of 500 MB with a database creation facility using C-panel.
If we booked the domain and web hosting provided by us, we will send you a reminder/invoice to renew the services before the expiry of the one-year term. The normal term of domain and hosting is one year. In the first year, website hosting is free. With some packages, the domain is also free for the first year. Renewal fees are mentioned in the relevant product pages. It is not mandatory that you shall renew the domain or hosting.
After placing the order make sure the payment is done. We will contact you as soon as possible to get the required information for processing the order. Alternatively, you can send an email attaching all the necessary information (logo/images, etc.) as a reply to the order confirmation email that you would receive. We will customize the website and upload the files into your domain for your review. Within the number of revisions/reviews allowed for each package, we will finish the website and launch it online. We will finish the process within the stated project duration.
No. We will not store any of your card data. All future payments such as the renewal fees shall be made by you manually upon receiving the invoice at appropriate times. You can either make the payment for renewals or cancel the services at any time.
Read 'How it Works' on the top main menu for more information.

Technical Services Website

From: 500 AED

  • 7 pages & 5 menus website
  • Editable website using Admin page
  • Delivery within 3/2/1 days
  • Dynamic & mobile responsive site
  • 12 months free web hosting
  • Lifetime Free SSL Certificate
  • 6 months free website maintenance
Choose your domain status
Choose project duration
Website content writing
payment options